How to take measurement for Dance Costume | Bharatnatyam & Kuchipidi

How to take measurement for Bharatnatyam Dance Costume :

Measurements plays a very important role in making a dance costume. Dance costume has to be right height and slight loos on hips and thighs for doing full mandi's and karna's. Lets see what are the important measurements and how it need be taken, among the bunch of measurements very important ones are

1. Height - this is taken from the waist line to ankle bone. Keep a margin of 1 inch not more than that, based on the given height we need to calculate the Fan Length, if the fan length is long it will be difficult to do Aramandi and Muzhumandi

2. Waist - Exact waist line on or above the navel with a margin of 1 inch

3. Hip - Exact around the butt measurement with a margin of 1 inch

4. Bust - Around the Bust line with 1 inch margin

5. Shoulder - Need to be measured from the center backbone to one side shoulder bone before it drops down.Ā  A Typical measurement of a bust measuring 20 to 32 inches it will be around 6 to 7 inches, 30 to 34 inches it will be around 6.5 to 7 inches, 36 to 40 inches it will be around 7 to 7.d inches, For the size above 42 it can be upto 8.5 inches

How to Take Measurement Video : it_GHJgaRl0

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